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Syndicate Blazin Ashtray

Syndicate Blazin Ashtray

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 USD
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Ashtrays made from strong shatter resistant glass

Glass Ashtrays from V-Syndicate

Primitive versions of the ashtray have been around for hundreds of years, but at V Syndicate, we wanted to take you higher than a regular old cigarette ashtray ever could. Our line of Blazin’ Ashtrays is sure to satisfy every smoker. They feature our most popular designs and are sure to elevate any tabletop. Whether you are looking for an ashtray that's funny, cute, or just really unique, we’ve got you covered. Made to last, these glass ashtrays have been tempered and are shatter-resistant so that even the most accident-prone smokers can enjoy these stunning pieces for years to come. 

Why glass?

We believe that the best ashtrays are made from glass, which is why we chose it for our first line of them. Glass ashtrays don’t hold heat the way metal ones do, making putting out your papers safer. They are also better for people looking to keep them outdoors, as metal ones are prone to rusting. Keeping your ashtray outside isn’t an issue with our Blazin’ line, plus, they have a shine, weight, and feel that is unbeatable.

Upcoming Releases

New Designs: We are about to quadruple our amount of ashtrays for sale. Featuring designs that have never been seen before, as well as some of our most popular designs. If you’re looking for something interstellar, keep your eye out for our upcoming Cosmic Chronic ashtray, and if you’re looking for something like our T=HC2 line, you’ll love our new Einstein designs, plus many more!

Ashtrays... but metal: Want an herb ashtray made from metal? Our upcoming release includes our first ever metal line, which means durable, portable ashtrays for all.

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